Oleg Dyvinets
It all started in the summer of 2021
The problem arose when Oleg Dyvinets’ middle daughter became lame on her favourite horse. And it was a tragedy of global magnitude.
Oleg Dyvinets is a doctor and started to look into what preceded this negative event of limping? He just sat and thought, and a picture formed in his mind, which served as the basis for the whole project.
We are well aware that any organism, human or animal, is a very complex and well-balanced system. And conventionally, when an animal on four legs suddenly loses one leg, it still continues to walk. And when a person begins to have back pain, we walk, limping or leaning on a stick, we bend, but we keep moving.
The mechanisms of physiological compensation for organic injuries of the macro-organism work. And the circuitry works in such a way as to ensure the functioning of the organism as a whole. Conventionally, when a person breaks a leg, they are given a crutch or a stick and the person continues to move. This is an illustration of compensatory mechanisms, which help to survive in this world. When it becomes absolutely bad, compensatory mechanisms are exhausted, this is when external manifestations of organic injuries start to appear. A limp appears and a person begins to fall on this side, where there is no support.
But unlike a human, who can go to the doctor and say, “My back hurts here, do something. Animals have no such approach a priori. Animals don’t talk. A horse can’t tell you where its back or leg is pulling and hurting. The horse redistributes its weight to other legs, it bends and walks in a way that takes the load off the (locus morbius ) sore spot. To ensure the functionality of the whole structure.
Then, considering the number of developed devices in the period of existence of our company Oleg Dyvinets thought that: “We can make some devices that can catch these changes, including compensatory moments, before the manifestation of a limp and any problems”.