Why is it important to assess horse movement?


Why is it important to assess horse movement?

📌 Why is it important to assess horse movement and understand the correlation between destructive guiding and injuries that result from incorrect movement of the horse ❓

When moving in its natural environment, the horse moves smoothly and organically. When a rider appears, there is already a load on the animal’s joints, and the horse’s natural movement is disturbed. The presence of a rider causes a change in the horse’s body weight. The horse begins to balance and conditionally adjusts to the new weight.
In the presence of a rider, the horse is subject to control, the reins regulate where the horse needs to go, and the spurs stimulate the speed of movement. With such an impact, the horse begins to move not organically, but with some load and zeal.

And during the maneuver collection, the load on the horse’s joints increases by about 3 times. Alas, there are no shock absorbers in the horse’s joints, which, like in a car, allow you to soften the load on the parts. Accordingly, such movements entail the destruction of the horse’s joints, and bone formations appear and grow on the tendons.

To prevent the harmful effects of training on the horse and prevent joint diseases, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the horse. To this end, our team is working intensively to improve the HorsCare sensors.

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